Entries by Ketan Shah

The Top 11 Tools Every Business Owner Needs In 2017

Business is hard. The top companies seem to have rocketed to the peak with gliding steps, but most business owners insist that things are not usually this easy. So then, why are some companies able to see such enormous returns on investments, huge efficiency and quick growth? Max Berry, CEO and Founder of Attract.ly, a […]

How to Extend the Life of Your Direct Mail Postcard or Brochure

There are many steps you can take to ensure your direct mail materials get noticed and read. Opting for quality graphics and professionally written copy, and including incentives that are irresistible to your target audience is a good place to start. But did you know that there are ways to extend the life of your […]

Infographic: Direct Mail vs Email

In the past direct mail has been referred to as dead. So we decided to do some research and compared direct mail to email marketing, it’s digital alternative. It would appear that as our lives become more and more consumed by digital media we start to give less time and attention to the messages we […]

They Call it the Pokémon Go for Brands. How to Gamify Your Marketing with Augmented Reality

This augmented reality treasure hunt game makes experiential marketing accessible and affordable to your small business. If you’re attending SXSW this year, you may want to try your hand at a bit of augmented reality to compete for $50,000 in venture capital. Snatch, a virtual treasure hunt played via mobile, will show you how to snatch virtual parcels containing […]

How We Create Authenticity In Small Business Brands

A lot of people toss around the term authentic brand, but there’s not enough discussion around what constitutes authenticity—and, more important, how to build an authentic brand. Authentic is defined as being true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character. On the one hand, we tend to equate authenticity with honesty. But do you have to be completely […]

How Smart People Handle Difficult People

Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negativity they spread, while others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos. Difficult people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons. […]

Here’s How You Can Tell if You Are an Entrepreneur at Heart

Being an entrepreneur at heart involves a combination of two key essentials. It’s the combination of these two ingredients that makes for an entrepreneurial spirit, no matter your role or title. If you’re not already in business for yourself, you might ask yourself from time to time, ‘do I have what it takes to be an […]