Don’t Forget the Finishing Touches

Even if your marketing document is coming together perfectly — with compelling copy, a stunning layout, and quality photos — remember it’s not complete until it’s “finished.” A document’s finishing touches help portray its overall quality and importance and can take it to the next level. Here are a few finishing touch options that will […]

Build Business Relationships with Greeting Cards

Greeting cards are a great way to show your family and friends you are thinking of them on their birthday or holidays. They are also a powerful yet underutilized tool for businesses to reach out and connect with valued customers, professional acquaintances, and other businesses. While holidays and birthdays are the most common times greeting […]

HTML vs. Plain Text Emails: Which Should You Choose?

After seeing the visual difference between HTML and plain-text emails, it’s hard for many companies to send anything but fancy HTML formatting with every email they send. However, just because you can make HTML emails doesn’t mean you always should. While HTML messages typically have flashy graphics that grab attention, they also lack a personalized […]